Beyond Preliminary Phonics Teacher Wordbook 3

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Beyond Preliminary Phonics 3 Teacher Wordbook comprises the next 40 phonetic sounds and word  lists. The 252 phonetic sounds are necessary for reading and spelling competence. The program is an individualised Reading and Spelling program based on the 252 phonetic sounds. Best suited as a whole school program. But also suitable as a single classroom approach or an intervention. There are six levels to be taught across the Primary year levels.

Beyond Preliminary Phonics Teacher Wordbook 3 phonetic sounds (163-202).

Upper Primary



Beyond Preliminary Phonics 3 Teacher Wordbook.

Teach students the 252 phonetic sounds necessary for reading and spelling competence.  Teacher Wordbook 3 provides 40 phonetic sounds and their word lists. Teachers colour code the words into their sounds with students. Students are pretested on the list words. Unknown reading and spelling words are highlighted for individual focus. Word lists cater for the range of abilities in the classroom. Students have individual reading and spelling focus lists.

There are approximately forty words in each word list. Literacy tasks are differentiated to suit differing student abilities. Teachers no longer need to juggle four or five spelling groups where students are focusing on different sounds.

Students will no longer be asked to learn to spell words they cannot read. Students will be taught to read unknown words focusing on their sounds. Not on just the individual letters.Students work with a partner for games such as Sound Spotting, Group Bingo and Detective Clues. The games and follow up literacy tasks provide the necessary repetition for long term acquisition.  Literacy tasks are available in Beyond Preliminary Phonics Student Workbook 3 and the manual.

The Student Workbooks are written to support students to work independently after initial teaching. Examples are explained for ease of understanding when a teacher is not available. Literacy tasks are suitable for homework and intervention support tasks.

The Beyond Preliminary Phonics Reading and Spelling program was designed as a whole school Primary phonics program to specifically teach the 252 phonetic sounds. It is however suitable as a single classroom program. It has a three tiered approach whole class, small group and individual instruction.

The Beyond Preliminary Phonics 3 Teacher Wordbook is used with the Student Workbook 3, the Teacher Grid Set and the Manual.

Beyond Preliminary Phonics 3 Teacher Wordbook phonetic sounds (163-202).

Upper Primary

Beyond Preliminary Phonics 3 Teacher Wordbook:
Pages: 48
Size: A4
Weight: 200g


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