Whole School

Designed as a whole-school, sequential primary phonics program, introduced across all primary year levels.

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Innovative Classroom

If a school-based decision has not been reached, the program can successfully be introduced in the classroom by individual teachers.

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Targeted Intervention

Pre-testing of unknown phonetic sounds and the implementation of activities to bridge the gaps, taught by intervention staff.

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Since 1993

Why Beyond Preliminary Phonics?

Knowledge of the 252 phonetic sounds is the scaffolding necessary for supporting students to become competent readers and spellers.

If students are taught to read solely using their visual memory, rather than through a sounding approach they need to remember an enormous number of words. If students have little or no phonics knowledge they have difficulty decoding unknown words. The teaching of reading and spelling, without appropriate phonics instruction, impedes learning.

It is essential that students understand these phonetic sounds for successful reading and spelling.

This requires a sequential approach in classrooms and schools. Beyond Preliminary Phonics provides this sequential approach to phonics instruction required by all students in the Primary years and beyond.


Get Started...

Beyond Preliminary Phonics resources are available for purchasing.

Professional development and training sessions are available for schools.

Schools may order on 14 day approval.